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    3D Scanning Boosts Reduction Gearbox Housing Inspection Efficiency by 30-Fold

    This case study explores the challenges of traditional inspection methods and how SHINING 3D’s advanced scanning solution addresses these issues, providing faster, more accurate results.

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    Seamlessly convert 3D scans to CAD: Reverse engineering with EXModel

    Language: English

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    SHINING 3D Launches EXModel

    This software facilitates a seamless transition from 3D scanning to manufacturing, acting as a solid bridge for CAD modeling. It features a simple workflow and intuitive user interface, making reverse engineering a breeze.

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    Rescue Vehicle Modification: High-Accuracy Metrology 3D Scanners Enable Rapid, Efficient Emergency Rescue Operations

    This article focuses on how the Shanghai Blue Sky Rescue team upgraded their rescue vehicle with the help of 3D Scanners.

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    SHINING 3D Continues Long-Standing Support for WorldSkills’ Mechanical CAD Program 2024

    SHINING 3D reaffirms its commitment to talent development and innovation in mechanical design by sponsoring the Mechanical Engineering CAD at WorldSkills Lyon 2024.

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    The Future of Heritage Preservation through High-quality 3D Scanning

    3D scanner EinScan Pro 2X 2020 helps with 3D digital technology for cultural heritage preservation and VR display.

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    Mastering Scan to CAD: Starting with Tips for Preparing Scans to Complete CAD Models

    SHINING 3D’s ambassador Adrian Melia is a UK-based mechanical design engineer with over 40 years of professional experience. During the latest webinar, he presented a step-by-step guide to scan to CAD process. Now, read on for some highlights.

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    Numérisation 3D pour l'autorisation d'usinage : 250 % d'augmentation de l'efficacité

    Dans ce cas, nous explorons comment l'utilisation de la numérisation 3D pour l'allocation d'usinage a aidé un client de SHINING 3D à passer d'un processus de 7 jours à un processus de 2 jours.

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    SHINING 3D Becomes Global Industry Partner (GIP) of WorldSkills

    SHINING 3D is proud to announce the continuation of its long-term partnership with the world’s largest vocational skills competition, WorldSkills International as a Global Industry Partner (GIP).

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