Detailed information is available on our official website. If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us at any time. We are happy to provide recommendations based on your specific requirements.
FreeScan UE Pro
El escáner láser 3D portátil FreeScan UE Pro hereda la alta precisión, la exactitud metrológica y el diseño ligero de FreeScan UE, al tiempo que mejora la capacidad de escaneado fino y el control de precisión global del escaneado de piezas de trabajo a gran escala.
- Exactitud de hasta 0.02 mm con marcadores
- Velocidad de hasta 1.850.000 puntos/s
- 3 modos de escaneado y fotogrametría integrada
- Características de la línea de productos
Para la inspección de alta precisión de grado metrológico

Alta precisión de grado metrológico
Exactitud de hasta 0,02 mm, ofrece resultados de escaneado uniformes con gran precisión.

Control de precisión global
Función de fotogrametría integrada sin necesidad de aplicar objetivos codificados, bloquea rápidamente la posición espacial del fotograma objetivo.

Múltiples modos de escaneo
13 líneas láser cruzadas para escanear objetos grandes rápidamente, 7 líneas láser paralelas para escanear detalles finos y una sola línea láser para escanear agujeros profundos y áreas de cavidades.

Fácil de manejar
Heredando el diseño ligero y ergonómico de la serie UE, el software de escaneado de fácil uso permite un manejo sencillo y acorta la curva de aprendizaje.

Precisión y exactitud sin precedentes
For quality control, inspection, and reverse engineering, its 0.02 mm accuracy and high-precision performance deliver results you can count on, time and time again.
Para el control de calidad, la inspección y la ingeniería inversa, su precisión de 0,02 mm y su rendimiento de alta precisión ofrecen resultados en los que puede confiar una y otra vez.
*Basado en VDl/VDE 2634, el error de espaciado de esferas se evalúa con artefactos y marcadores de longitud trazables midiéndolos en diferentes ubicaciones y orientaciones dentro del volumen de trabajo, en el laboratorio de precisión certificado con ISO/IEC 17025:2017 con condiciones ambientales: temperatura 20 ± 0,5℃; humedad 40 ~ 60% HR.

Fotogrametría integrada
FreeScan UE Pro incorpora un modo de fotogrametría que puede alcanzar una notable precisión volumétrica de hasta 0,02 mm + 0,015 mm/m. Coloque marcadores y una sola barra de escala magnética y FreeScan UE Pro fijará rápidamente la posición espacial del fotograma de destino.

Múltiples modos de escaneo
26 líneas láser: 600x550mm FOV para un escaneado 3D rápido
7 líneas láser: Cámaras industriales de 3,2 MP para capturar detalles excepcionales
1 línea láser: Ángulo de cámara optimizado para bolsillos y agujeros

Todos los detalles
Con cámaras de 3,2 megapíxeles de mayor resolución y 7 líneas láser paralelas, FreeScan UE Pro permite escanear objetos con numerosas funciones y restaurar detalles finos con mayor precisión.

Escaneado de alta precisión de objetos pequeños y grandes
Equipado con fotogrametría integrada, el UE Pro hace gala de una gran precisión y una excelente captura de detalles, y se adapta a objetos de distintos tamaños, desde pequeños a grandes. Maneja sin esfuerzo una amplia gama de aplicaciones industriales y destaca incluso en escenarios de escaneado en exteriores.
Todo lo que puedes hacer con nuestros escáneres
Descubre cómo la integración de nuestros escáneres en tu flujo de trabajo mejorará la eficacia y te hará obtener resultados extraordinarios.
Automoción y mecánica
Con su alta velocidad de escaneado, fluidez y precisión, FreeScan UE Pro mejora enormemente la eficacia del escaneado sin comprometer la precisión. Su capacidad de fotogrametría integrada aumenta la precisión volumétrica, por lo que resulta ideal para escanear componentes de gran tamaño, como motores de avión, fuselajes y otras piezas de gran tamaño.
- Product line features
Energía, industria pesada y servicios públicos
La cámara de calidad metrológica, la fotogrametría integrada y la excelente portabilidad del FreeScan UE Pro permiten realizar escaneados precisos en interiores o exteriores sin limitaciones. Esta capacidad es crucial para capturar conjuntos de datos grandes y precisos necesarios para tareas como la detección de deformaciones y daños en turbinas hidráulicas y brocas de perforación petrolíferas.
- Product line features
Maquinaria de ingeniería y otros transportes
El FreeScan UE Pro, que cuenta con tres modos de línea láser, una portabilidad excepcional y una precisión de grado metrológico, destaca por su escaneado eficaz y preciso tanto en interiores como en exteriores. Es especialmente eficaz para escanear accesorios de cascos y vías de tránsito ferroviario, facilitando tareas como la inspección y la ingeniería inversa con facilidad.
- Product line features

Nuestro plan de soporte y cobertura
Galería de modelos 3D
Mejora tu experiencia de escaneado con el software FreeScan UE Pro

Instrucciones paso a paso
El software FreeScan UE Pro le guiará a través del proceso de escaneado 3D, desde la calibración hasta el escaneado 3D y la edición de datos.

Laser Real-time Mesh Scanning
Scanning real-time mesh data directly reduces unnecessary processing processes and improves user efficiency

Data Quality Indicator

Partial HD Mode
FreeScan UE Pro tech specs
- Scan Mode Multiple Lines Scan; Single Line Scan; Fine Scan
- Scan Accuracy up to 0.02 mm
- Scan Speed 1,850,000 points/s
- Volumetric Accuracy 0.02+0.03 mm/m (0.02 + 0.015 mm/m with photogrammetry)
- Max. FOV 600 mm × 550 mm
- Point Distance 0.01~ 10 mm
- Dimension 298 mm x 103.5 mm x 74.5 mm
- Weight 840 g
- Certifications CE, FCC, ROHS, WEEE, KC, FDA, UKCA, IP50, TISAX
- Accuracy Certification VDl/VDE 2634 Part3 (certificated in ISO 17025 certificated accuracy lab)
Tu confianza, nuestra marca
años de experiencia
escáneres 3D vendidos en todo el mundo
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can EinScan HX do fixed scanning?
EinScan HX is perfect for medium to large 3D scanning of dark surfaces and metal industrial parts. For handheld and small jobs, check our guide.
Can EinScan HX capture color data?
Yes. EinScan HX has a built-in color camera. You can get the full color data in rapid scan mode.
What are the applications of EinScan HX?
By integrating blue light and laser, EinScan HX can be used in a wide range of applications with less limitation. Up to 1,200,000 points/s under rapid scan mode enable EinScan HX to scan large objects with high efficiency. Laser scanning technology enables EinScan-HX to an amazing performance in scanning reflective and dark objects. Minimum point distance of 0.05mm and up to 0.04 accuracy make EinScan-HX suitable for reverse engineering and measuring. We could say EinScan-HX is a powerful scanner for applications, such as automotive, shipbuilding, machining, and research.
How do I know which scanner is suitable for me?
How can I purchase a scanner?
You can email our sales team ( or get in touch with your nearest local Reseller for purchasing inquiries.
What is the warranty period?
We provide a 1-year free warranty. For additional details on our warranty policies or to explore extended warranty options, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
What should I do if I encounter difficulties during the use of the scanner?
We offer comprehensive technical support to assist with any questions or issues you may encounter. You can reach out to our technical team via email
What software is compatible with Shining 3D scanner?
Shining3D provides complimentary scanner software. If you need to use other software for reverse engineering or 3D inspection, options like Verisurf, Geomagic, and Quick Surface are compatible.
Is it possible to scan objects of different sizes?
Yes. OptimScan 5M Plus has 3 different scanning ranges: 400 mm x 300 mm / 200 mm x 150 mm / 100 mm x 75 mm, which can help you scan objects of different sizes.
Is it possible to scan without pasting markers on object?
Yes. If the object has rich geometric features, you can use feature alignmetn. Alternatively, if you have a turntable attached, you can also use turntable alignment.
What can I do with data scanned by FreeScan UE Pro?
You can use the data from FreeScan UE Pro for reverse engineering, comparison with existing CAD data for inspection, etc.
Is it possible to scan color texture of objects because I see there is photogrammetry?
No. FreeScan UE Pro only uses photogrammetry for positioning and is not able to use this data to add color to mesh models.
What does "Feature has expired (H0041)" mean?
If this warning message pops up, then the dongle is expired. Please follow the steps in this link collect the dongle information. Create a ticket in our metrology support system, together with the model name and Serial number.
Can FreeScan Trio scan black and reflective surface objects?
Yes. FreeScan Trio has laser scan mode, which is less sensitive to ambient light and thus delivering better performance in scanning reflective and dark colored surfaces. -
Can FreeScan Trio be used without markers?
Yes. When the object has rich geometric features, FreeScan Trio's 98-line mode can use feature alignment mode without markers.
What format of data can I get with FreeScan Trio?
FreeScan Trio software can export data in asc. obj. stl. ply etc., which can be freely selected according to the purpose.
Can the FreeScan Trio scan large objects with good accuracy?
Yes. FreeScan Trio has a built-in photogrammetric function, which can achieve an accuracy of up to 0.02 + 0.015 mm/m.
What is the recommended computer configuration for FreeScan Trio?
OS: Win10, 64 bit; Graphics card: NVIDIA GTX/RTX series cards, ≥ GeForce RTX 3060: Video memory: ≥6G; Processor: I7-10700; Memory: ≥64GB; USB 3.0
Is it possible to scan without pasting markers on object?
Yes. FreeScan Combo is a dual light source scanner, and infrared light source can be used directly to scan feature rich workpieces quickly without pasting markers on the surface.
Is it possible to scan color texture of objects?
No. FreeScan Combo doesn't have a color camera to capture the texture information of object.
Reverse engineering
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.
Can EinScan HX scan black and reflective surface objects?
Yes. EinScan HX has laser scan mode, which is less sensitive to ambient light and thus delivering better performance in scanning reflective and dark colored surfaces.
What is the recommended computer configuration for EinScan HX?
OS:Win10,64 bit;Graphics card:NVIDIA GTX1080 and higher;Video memory:≥4G;Processor:I7-8700;Memory:≥32GB
What are the post-processing functions of ExScan HX?
Data simplification, hole filling, smooth, sharpen, cutting-plane selection and removal, measurement, movement, texture optimization. The digital toolkit comprising EXScan Scanning Software, SolidEdge SHINING 3D Edition and Geomagic Essentials coming to you with your new EinScan HX will upgrade your 3D digital workflow significantly!
Can I have OptimScan 5M Plus scan objects automatically?
Yes. If the turntable is plugged, check/uncheck the box “With turntable” to enable /disable it, the turntable settings will show (turntable step, turntable speed, turntable turns). After that, click "Scan" and the scanner will scan automatically with the turntable.
How to scan a very thin object?
Thin objects are very tricky as you can have interference between the 2 faces, causing a misalignment of data. It is recommended to scan global markers first to improve the accuracy of alignment.
How can I scan dark or reflective objects?
First you need to adjust to the optimal working distance and then increase the brightness until you capture some data. At the same time, for a better result you can, prior to scanning, apply some spray on the surface. In order not to affect the accuracy, it is recommended to spray a thin layer.
Why other graphic cards with “higher spec” are not compatible with OptimScan?
OptimScan software is optimized for Nvidia GTX graphic cards. The resources allowed for scanning are different that from the ones required for CAD or gaming. The use of other cards, outside of the recommended ones, can result in the software lag or crashes.
Can FreeScan UE Pro scan black and reflective surface objects?
Yes. FreeScan UE Pro has laser scan mode, which is less sensitive to ambient light and thus delivering better performance in scanning reflective and dark colored surfaces. -
Can the FreeScan UE Pro scan large objects with good accuracy?
Yes. FreeScan UE Pro has a built-in photogrammetric function, which can achieve an accuracy of up to 0.02 + 0.015 mm/m.
What is the recommended computer configuration for FreeScan UE Pro?
OS: Win10, 64 bit; Graphics card: NVIDIA GTX/RTX series cards, ≥ GeForce RTX 3060; Video memory: ≥6 G; Processor: I7-8700; Memory: ≥32 GB; USB 3.0
How can I scan a deep hole?
FreeScan Combo has 4 scanning modes for choices. Use one single blue laser line to obtain deep hole data.
When do I need to calibrate the scanner?
1. When the scanner is used for the first time, or when it is reused after being laid idle for a long period of time (1 -2 weeks).
2. The scanner was severely shaken or vibrated, such as shaken during transportation.
3. Severe accuracy reduction, such as frequent errors in alignment or unrecognized markers.
4. Incomplete data is acquired during the scanning or serious deterioration of the quality of scanned data.
Can FreeScan Combo scan black or reflective object?
Yes, FreeScan Combo is equipped with blue laser source, which has a very strong adaptability of black and reflective surface.
Can I use FreeScan Combo to scan human body?
Yes. Infrared light source scanning can be used to scan human boady.
Do I need to paste markers on the object surface?
FreeScan Trak Pro2 supports both optical tracking and marker scanning. Switch to tracking mode, and scan without need to place markers on the object surface.
What's the markers specification?
FreeScan Trak Pro2 supports 3mm and 6mm reflective markers.
Do I need to install extra software If I need to use the Probe?
Yes, FreeProbe function is based on PolyWorks or Geomagic Control X. Please install PolyWorks or Geomagic Control X before using the Probe.
Will the blue laser do harm to human eyes?
Absolutely not. FreeScan Combo+ equipped with Class Ⅱ laser source, which is 100% safe for human eyes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can FreeScan UE Pro scan black and reflective surface objects?
Yes. FreeScan UE Pro has laser scan mode, which is less sensitive to ambient light and thus delivering better performance in scanning reflective and dark colored surfaces -
Can the FreeScan UE Pro scan large objects with good accuracy?
Yes. FreeScan UE Pro has a built-in photogrammetric function, which can achieve an accuracy of up to 0.02 + 0.015 mm/m. -
What is the recommended computer configuration for FreeScan UE Pro?
OS: Win10, 64 bit; Graphics card: NVIDIA GTX/RTX series cards, ≥ GeForce RTX 3060; Video memory: ≥6 G; Processor: I7-8700; Memory: ≥32 GB; USB 3.0
What can I do with data scanned by FreeScan UE Pro?
You can use the data from FreeScan UE Pro for reverse engineering, comparison with existing CAD data for inspection, etc. -
Is it possible to scan color texture of objects because I see there is photogrammetry?
No. FreeScan UE Pro only uses photogrammetry for positioning and is not able to use this data to add color to mesh models. -
What does "Feature has expired (H0041)" mean?
If this warning message pops up, then the dongle is expired. Please follow the steps in this link
(, collect the dongle information. Create a ticket in our metrology support system, together with the model name and Serial number.
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