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High Efficiency Propeller Inspection with EinScan HX, EXModel and TrueProp



This event is designed to showcase the advancements in propeller inspection process, featuring the EinScan HX 3D scannner, EXModel, and TrueProp software.

This webinar is perfect for professionals in the maritime industry, quality control experts, and anyone interested in cutting-edge inspection technology.


We look forward to your participation!


Language: English
Time: 44 min

Adam Berlbekri
Adam Kaplan
Adam Berlbekri

Application Engineer, SHINING 3D

Adam Kaplan

CTO, TrueProp


  • Overview of 3D Scanners' Application in Propeller Inspection
  • 3D Scanning a Propeller with EinScan HX
  • Aligning Coordinates in EXModel
  • Inspecting and Generating Report in TruProp
  • Q&A session to address your specific queries

EinScan HX

The EinScan HX’s hybrid laser and LED light sources offer unmatched versatility, accommodating various object sizes effortlessly.  With its efficiency and reliable results, EinScan HX unlocks endless application possibilities.


  • Material Adaptability
  • Reliable Results
  • High Efficiency